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噪音振動 Noise and vibration 噪音管制 Noise control
管制區劃定 Various categories of restrictions [Noise] control zone delineation 民俗及近鄰噪音 Noise from cultural and neighborhood activities
場所、工程及設施之噪音管制 Noise controls at venues, construction sites and facilities 機動車輛噪音管制 Vehicle noise controls
道路、鐵路、航空等交通噪音管制 Road, railroad and aviation noise controls 噪音陳情 Noise petitions
低頻噪音 Low frequency noise 振動管制 Vibration controls
非屬原子能游離輻射 Non-ionizing radiation 水質保護 Water quality protection
水質管理監督 Water quality management and supervision 河川水質管理 Water quality management for river
湖庫水質管理 Water quality management for lakes and reservoirs 海洋水質管理 Water quality management for marine
事業廢水管制 Industrial waste water management 廢污水許可管理 Management of wastewater permits
廢污水檢測申報管理 anagement of waste water testing declarations 水污染防治措施之管理 Management of waste pollution prevention measures
排放標準 Effluent standards 事業別定義 Enterprises category definitions
水污染防治費 Water pollution control fees 污水下水道系統及生活污水管理 Management of sewage systems and household waste water
共污水下水道系統 Public sewage systems 社區污水下水道系統 Community sewage systems
工業區污水下水道系統 Industrial park sewage systems 建築物污水處理管理 Management of building sewage treatment
海洋污染防治 Marine pollution Control 海洋污染事件處理 To handle major marine pollution incidents
海洋污染應變技術 Marine oil pollution emergency response technologies 海洋海岸放流管理 Management of ocean dischargers
海洋污染防治相關許可管理 Marine pollution control permit management 海洋棄置管理 Management of ocean dumping
海洋污染防治相關法規管理 Management of marine pollution prevention regulations 防止船舶污染海洋管理 Management of the pollution of the sea by ships/vessels
損害賠償責任保險 Liability insurance for damage compensation 河川、湖庫污染防治 Pollution prevention for river、lakes and reservoirs
淡水河系污染整治方案 Tamsui River Pollution Remediation Project 土壤及地下水 Soil and groundwater
土壤污染整治 Soil pollution remediation 地下水污染與整治 Groundwater remediation
廢棄物管理 Waste management 事業廢棄物管理 Industrial waste management
感染性醫療廢棄物 Infectious medical waste 事業廢棄物管制中心 Industrial Waste Control Center
事業廢棄物輸出入 Import and export of industrial waste 公民營廢棄物清除處理機構 Publicly and Privately Owned Waste Management Organizations
一般廢棄物管理 Management of general waste 資源回收 Resource recycling
公告資源回收物 Mandatory recyclables 非公告資源回收物 Non-mandatory recyclables
廚餘回收 Food waste recycling 環保設施營運管理 Operation & Management of environmental protection facilities
毒物管理及環境衛生用藥 Management of toxic substances and environmental and sanitation agents 環境用藥 Environmental agents
環境用藥管理 Management of environmental agents 環境用藥許可管理 Management of environmental agents permits
毒性化學物質 Toxic chemical substances 運作管理 Operation management
災害防救 Disaster prevention and response 環境衛生及飲用水 Environmental sanitation and drinking water
飲用水 Drinking water 飲用水水源保護區劃設 Water source protection zone planning
包盛裝水水源水質管理 Management of packaged water quality 飲用水水質管理 Management of drinking water quality
飲用水設備管理 Management of drinking water equipment 飲用水處理藥劑管理 Management of drinking water treatment agents
環境衛生 Environmental sanitation 海岸清潔維護 Maintenance of coastal cleanliness
辦公室環保 Office environmental protection 天然災後消毒 Disinfecting measures after natural disasters
公廁清潔維護 Maintenance of cleanliness in public toilets 消除登革熱孳生源 Eliminating dengue fever mosquito breeding sources
環境蟲鼠防治 Environmental pest control 公害糾紛預防與處理 Prevention and handling of Public nuisance disputes
規劃評估 Planning and evaluation 公害陳情處理 Handling of public nuisance petitions
公害糾紛處理 Handling of public nuisance disputes 環境監測及資訊 Environmental monitoring and information management
空氣品質監測 Air quality monitoring 空氣品質監測規劃 Planning of air quality monitoring
空氣品質監測作業 Execution of air quality monitoring 一般監測站 Ambient air quality monitoring stations
光化測站 Photochemical assessment monitoring stations 超微粒測站 Particulate matter supersites
背景監測 Background air quality monitoring 數據品保與分析 Data quality assurance and analysis
空氣品質預報 Air quality forecasts 紫外線測報 Ultraviolet radiation forecasts
環境水質監測 Water quality monitoring 水質監測規劃 Planning of water quality monitoring
水質監測作業 Execution of water quality monitoring 河川 Rivers and streams
水庫 Reservoirs 海域 Oceans; coastal
地下水 Groundwater 休憩海域 Recreational coastal areas
環境資訊 Environmental information 環境資料庫 Environmental database
環境地理資訊 Environmental geographic information 環境檢測 Environmental testing
環境檢測作業 Environmental testing operations 環境檢測標準方法訂定 Establishing standard methods for environmental testing work
空氣檢測方法 Testing methods for air pollutants 物理檢測方法 Testing methods for physical properties
水質檢測方法 Testing methods for water quality 廢棄物檢測方法 Testing methods for wastes
土壤檢測方法 Testing methods for soil 棄物及土壤共通檢測方法 Mutually applicable testing methods for wastes and soil
環境生物檢測方法 Testing methods for environmental biology 毒性化學物質檢測方法 Testing methods for toxic chemical substances
環境用藥檢測方法 Testing methods for environmental agents 飲用水處理藥劑檢測方法 Testing methods for drinking water treatment agents
環境檢測品保品管 Quality assurance and quality control for environmental testing 環境污染物採樣 Sampling for environmental pollutants
環境污染物檢測 Testing for environmental pollutants 空氣檢測 Air testing
物理檢測 Physics testing 噪音檢測 Noise measurement
振動檢測 Vibration measurement 無機檢測 Inorganic testing
有機檢測 Organic testing 超微量物質檢測 Trace pollutants testing
微生物檢測 Microbiological testing 指標生物鑑定 Identification of indicator organisms
環境調查研究 Environmental survey research 檢驗測定機構 Testing organizations
環境檢驗測定機構管理 Management of environmental testing organizations 機動車輛排放污染物及噪音測定機構管理 Management of vehicle emission and noise testing organizations
環境教育 Environmental education 學校環境教育 Environmental education in schools
社會環境教育 Environmental education throughout society 綠色消費推廣 Promotion of green consumption
國際環保與合作 International environmental protection and cooperation APEC海洋資源保育 APEC marine resource conservation
WTO環境與貿易 WTO environment and trade 減緩氣候變遷 Mitigation of climate change
氣候變化綱要公約及京都議定書 United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and Kyoto Protocol 溫室氣體減量策略 Reduction strategies for Greenhouse gases
氣候變化綱要公約及京都議定書 United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and Kyoto Protocol 溫室氣體減量策略 Reduction strategies for Greenhouse gases
溫室氣體排放清冊及排放量盤查 Greenhouse gases inventory 氣候變遷與環境衝擊 Climate change and environmental impact
臭氧層破壞物質管制 Management of ozone depleting substances (ODS) 廢棄物管制 Waste controls
巴塞爾公約 Basel Convention 廢棄物國際糾紛處理 Handing of international disputes on waste
國際雙邊合作 International bilateral cooperation 區域環境管理 Regional environmental management
污染源稽查 Inspection of pollution sources 環境污染事件應變 Response to environmental pollution incidents